I think that an idea rings especially true if you've thought of it alone, then later discovered it outside.
This has a correlation to a main construct for me, "there's nothing new under the sun." I stand by my theory for selective bias, that is, that you can always find examples to support yourself. Thats not so much my theory as it is a science tenet, yet, I tend to take it far beyond that context, into a spirituality that I create internally, by collecting artifacts along my life's path. In science you have to meet protocols, but in life, selective bias is a blessing.
I like to keep the good parts of things I encounter. By 'good' I mean those things that resonate within, that provide me personal sense of growth. So, if each person does this, we end up with entirely unique sets of good parts, so that effectively, nothing bad exists. It turns out, everything exists, and its all constructive, and dependent upon the frame of reference. I should replace the word good with useful.
Today Ive been enlightened by exposure to ideas from Gregg Baden, and a variety of web authors discussing concepts that rang true for me. Specifically, InLak'ech, a Mayan saying that means "I am another Yourself." What I decided for myself a few years back was that we truly are a collective conscious, and that when we interact with others, we are literally percieving alternative visions of our own self, holographically. We are perceiving those things that lead us through a private never-ending evolution. Like a kaleidoscope, each personality is a reflection that is distinct and constructs a higher pattern. All of this language turns out to be very similar to Gregg Baden's. And so this shows how thoughts can seem to have physicality, existing outside yourself, even though clearly also a unique private understanding, as well.
I think major evidence for collective consciousness is the way that inventions, like electricity, tend to happen at about the same time, yet by different inventors, from different places, and different resources. What more examples of these can we think of?
Here's some of the information that interested me:
Living In Lak'ech' Becoming One With All Life Aluna Joy Yaxkin August 1997
Gregg Baden
Holographic Nature of the Universe