I sometimes have a hard time deciding what I want, because I never do manage to pick favorites.
Have you ever had one of those "get to know each other" games when everyone asks each other their favorites? The same favorites list the kids used to ask about at the bus stop: color, movie, song, food, etc? Historically I choke on favorites.
My mom used to tell me that this was due to my horoscope having a libra ascendant. She might be right, who knows? However, as I grow, I am discovering the deeper explanation.
I never forget that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Far be it from me, to counter another's perception. Why should I bother to have a favorite anything? Its as if the choice of a favorite has somehow devalued other items I could have chosen. Although, that is impossible. Nevertheless, I steadfastly hold to nonfavoritism - despite the indecisiveness which might underly it.
Yet, when it comes to things of personality, spirit, and intuition, my subconscious immediately hands over my position. I am surprised at how decisive I am about faith, philosophy, and the critical value of communication.
In fact, I observe that we all have this common internal process, letting us know feeling even without having learned it first. Because feelings lack entity, yet are possessed, we attach the handy term of experience to them. But you never observe the feeling, you just know the feeling. Its the '"just knowing" part that intrigues me.
From my earliest memories I suspected that stuff is not what it seems. The essence of all is energy; all things are collectively one, at the energetic level. Perception is the reality of existence, and all else is a construct of determination. It may be possible that once we, as a collective being, release our perception, we will return to the energy state.
So, I don't pick favorites because that reasoning stands on a belief that differences are real, that things can be valued, then compared. I'd rather pilgrim the territory of all things as one. Yes, I am always too deep for the sandbox, but I don't mind it, now that I'm almost a grown up.